The affairs of Shri Jagannath Temple are managed by the Executive Committee of the Kalinga Cultural Trust Hyderabad. Keeping Jagannath Dharma and Jagannath Sanskruti as the guiding spirit, the Governing Body of the Trust Lays down the overall policy for the Executive Committee for the smooth running of the Temple. Dedicated administrative staff, volunteers, security personnel and servitors etc, work under the direction and control of the Temple administrative officer. The Temple office remains open from 6am to 12 noon and from 5pm to 9pm in the evening and assists devotees in having Darshan and availing other facilities. Daily rituals, Booking for pujas on the request, sale of prasads, upkeep and maintenance etc are looked after and overseen by the administrative staff of the Temple.
Periodical review of the activities of the Temple in undertaken by the Executive Committee to position the Temple on the spiritual and religious destination of the devotees, and facilitate divine experience for the devotees.
Visit for more details about the Trust & its activities.